Who are the decision makers for the selection of the Storytelling Fellows?

The Collective Change Lab Team will be reviewing submitted Expressions of Interest, as well as conducting the subsequent interviews. Final decisions will be made by the Fellowship Council– a group of volunteers from CCL’s System Storytelling Community of Practice .

The council structure and makeup is currently being designed by interim decision-makers Nayantara Sen, Joanne Cheung, and Natalie Fotias

How will they be deciding?


When reviewing EOIs, CCL team members will be focusing on the following principles:

As a collective -

  • Ensuring diversity of geography, focus / issue, role in the system (eg funder, backbone), proposed application of systems storytelling

As a cohort -

  • Prioritising collectives with a significant degree of diversity (or intended diversity) within the membership 

  • Alignment to the purpose of systems storytelling; creating experiences to strengthen meaning-making for transformation

As Fellows -  

  • prioritising Fellows with a working knowledge and/or appreciation of systems change and storytelling. 


To accommodate the collaborative nature of the program, we will also consider participants' time zones. This is not meant to discourage participation, but it may require deferral to a subsequent cohort that shares a more suitable time-zone range.

When will decisions be made?

Following EOI review, we will be extending invitations for an interview to learn more about the collectives and proposed Fellows mentioned in your EOI. After interviews are complete, members of Cohort 1 will be notified of their anticipated participation by the week of August 21, 2023. 

What if I apply and I am not chosen?

We are able to accept a maximum of  20 Storytelling Fellows into our first cohort. If interest level surpasses this, and you are not chosen to become a Fellow, we would love to meet with you to discuss other avenues of engagement in this cohort and any in the future. 

Are there any opportunities for financial support?  

Yes, the Systems Storytelling Initiative has access to funding that will allow for needs-based honorariums. Allocation of funds will be decided upon by the Fellowship Council. Please submit your Expression of Interest and reach out to Sheridan to have a conversation about honorariums.

For any other questions, please reach out to Tad Khosa (tad@collectivechangelab.org).